Updates for Outdoor Cinema in Teignmouth

Back to work but you can cheer everyone up!


I hope you had a very good weekend… but its Monday so its back to work now

BUT  why not chat to your work colleagues and your boss to see if they would like to take advantage of these rewards designed to treat customers and staff?

Group Reward

12 tickets for use by YOUR customers, staff OR for a large group of friends. Aimed at large groups of friends and companies or organisations who want to treat their staff and customers

We have now reached a very important funding

We have now reached a very important funding level which means one of our main costs has been covered which, make this project a very realistic possibility!

However, some people (obviously, those who have not made a pledge) think that they will be able to get tickets on the night. THIS IS NOT THE CASE

The ONLY way to obtain tickets is to make a pledge by visiting  www.fundsurfer.com/outdoorcinema

what charity will benefit from this project

TEIGNMOUTH OUTDOOR CINEMA - your questions answered

A number of people have asked what charity will benefit from this project -- the answer is the HELEN FOUNDATION

and the mayor’s charity fund (which will be to help local people)

FOOD – we want to make this a fun event for all and welcome people brining their own picnic food and snacks plus a blanket /chair to sit on. Alcohol will be available via the Rugby Club who will also be offering a variety of delicious foods