Over £3000 raised so far!

March 2019


Hi everyone, thanks for your pledge and support, it means a lot. The BLB team have made contact with the Mayor of Beira, he said that they are facing 'total devastation' and 'will have to begin again' Incredibly he also asked how Bristol was doing! We are coordinating efforts from Bristol and need any support possible, it would be amazing if you could share the project with your friends and family, as well as any companies who would want to donate or help. 

Our team are working on a number of urgent funding areas including looking at emergency aid, reconstruction funding, impact investment sources and corporate partners. 

Everything helps, so thanks for donating. We will post more updates as we get them.  

Link to share: 


Beira, Mozambique was directly hit by Cyclone Idai caused 90% destruction to the city. The appeal is to help rebuild the city sustainably and directly.

Crowdfunding project

Beira Cyclone Crisis and Sustainability Campaign

Beira, Mozambique was hit by cylones in 2019 and 2021, causing massive destruction to the city. Help Beira repair Matacuane Primary School.

Funding successful

£12,797 raised