Changes to BRR Advice Service
March 2019
Thanks to your support the advice service at BRR will not be closing but it will be changing to run on a smaller budget. In April the days and ways of working for the Advice team will be changing. The rationale and principles of the changes include:
Protection needs: sharing information about asylum processes, preparing people for what may happen next, advice which empowers people to navigate the asylum system.
Early Action methods: assess current asylum situation and advice needs as early as possible, and take action to meet these/ ensure they are met.
Safety and preventing destitution.
What we'll do: needs assessments, relevant casework, 4 - 5 assessments per week by appointment and follow up appointments for further, all advice and casework for asylum support money and housing, National Referral Mechanism referrals, complex referrals which require case work, Exceptional Case Funding applications, Social Service Community Care Assessment referrals and a bit more . .
The Friday morning drop in at Malcolm X Community Centre will change. The new Friday service will offer information sessions on topics such as Your Rights and the Law, Racism and speaking out, Employability & careers, Drug and alcohol - County Lines, at St Paul's Learning Centre.
Thank you for supporting us through these developments!