£23,176 raised! Now extending target to £40,000 - THANK YOU ALL!

April 2022


First of all a massive thank you to everyone involved with our campaign, from the volunteers and partners to the donors supporting us, you have all been amazing. While we are dealing with a truly horrific situation in Ukraine, your help and support has kept everyone on the team going and pushing forward.

Your donations have helped us to:

-Evacuate over 300 women and children to safe locations


-Deliver aid from US, Europe and U.K. to Ukraine directly


-Set up two warehouses and a logistics hub and volunteer network in Ukraine and Poland.

We have now gone past our initial £20,000 goal so we are increasing the Fundsurfer crowdfunding target to £40,000 as our work continues.

Our deepest thanks for your support, even a single share of the project page helps a lot alongside the online and offline financial donations we have received, it really adds up.  

Love from the Presidium Network Team - Slava Ukraini

Crowdfunding project

Funding Ukrainian Emergency Aid & Supplies

Ukraine 2025 funding appeal
85% raised
Open ended
85% pledged