Plant 5000 trees in burned areas after wildfire in Bulgaria

We want to plant 5000 trees in areas destroyed by wildfires. The local government does not plan any trees planning due to the large damaged areas.

We are NGO leaders of the Future from Bulgaria. Our primary work is in education entrepreneurship and democracy capacity building. As an NGO we ar involved in charity fundraising, volunteer work, and support. 

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We need at least 60 000 to purchase trees and shovels to recover 5000 trees burned in this year's wildfires in Bulgaria. 


2024 is the hottest year with the longest periods with temperatures over 38C and without rain. This caused a record number of wildfires and most of them were extremely large. 

The government itself is not able to recover thousands of acres of burned down forest and they will leave the areas to recover for years by themselves. 


With climate change, we are not sure if this will happen at all. That is why we need to support. 

We will gather the volunteers to do the work but we need financial support to organize the travel to supply trees and equipment for the planting. 


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pledged of £65,900 goal (GBP)

0% pledged

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