Imagining a future for Jacobs Wells

November 2024


Historic England visit Jacobs Wells Baths. Credit Alistair Brookes

A place to dance? A place for the community? A place to gather or a place to rehearse?

What are your hopes and dreams for the future of Jacobs Wells? We need your help to imagine the possibilities of Jacobs Wells as we breathe life back into this iconic building for future community use.

As part of our campaign to save Jacobs Wells Baths, we are calling for people to take part in a photoshoot. Working with Bristol-based photographer Khali Ackford, we will create a public photo series, capturing portraits of the people who will be at the centre of Jacobs Wells’ future. Through your participation, we can highlight the importance of our civic buildings and the impact on our community if those places are lost.

How to take part

If you would like to find out more about participating in the photo shoot, please email Trinity’s Producer, Esther Afikiruweh, at or call the office at 0117 935 1200, Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm.

Shoot dates will be on w/c Monday 09 Dec.  We will let people know  if they have been selected by Friday 06 Dec.

About the photographer

Khali Ackford has built up a name for his iconic portraiture, working at the heart of some of the most culturally significant moments in UK’s history, including the UK BLM movement, the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol and marches against male violence.

About Jacobs Wells Baths

Since the start of 2023, Trinity has been on a mission to save the Grade II listed Jacobs Wells Baths building, following the news that Bristol City Council had put the asset up for disposal. Since securing a 35-year Community Asset Transfer lease, we’ve completed emergency repairs to limit further damage to the building and Phase 1 Repair Works are now underway to bring the space back into community use by Autumn 2025.

Crowdfunding project

Jacobs Wells Baths

🌟 Be Part of the Future of Bristol's Jacobs Wells Baths🌟
31% raised
Open ended
31% pledged