£10 – Thank you.

Thank you on the Fundacion Luz Maria facebook page.
£34 was raised by 4 supporters — that's teamwork!
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Luz Maria Utrera established the Fundacion Luz Maria in the United States. Fundacion Luz Maria works with several organizations that have ECOSOC status around the world to help women who have experienced domestic violence. The Foundation promotes human rights and also assists Fundacíon Luz María based in Santiago del Estero, Argentina that just received ECOSOC status in April 2015.
In Argentina, a woman is murdered every 31 hours in a domestic violence incident - according to an NGO.
Now, a protest initiative against this violence, which was supposed to bring a few hundreds together in the centre of Buenos Aires, has now spread to 80 other cities and across the continent on social media. We support this initiative as a wonderful example of the peoples will. #NiUnaMenos (Not One Less)
"The Diplomatic Council Global funding program are delighted to support this project reach a global audience, collaborating with NGO's across the world and private and public sector organisations to supercharge the donations raised through matchfunding.
Luz Maria Utera will be speaking at their Gala event coinciding with the launch of this campaign on January 25."
Fundacion Luz Maria will be hosting an event during the CSW Commission of Status of women on March 24 to Ending Violence Against Women Globally
We have been working with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) since November 2015 to raise awareness of this campaign.
The Luz Maria Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States.
pledged of £750 goal (GBP)
This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.
Thank you on the Fundacion Luz Maria facebook page.
Pays for a week of transportation so that mothers can get to and from work or school.
- Covers 5 hours of childcare support so that a mother can complete night-school or re-train for a better job.
Cover the cost of a course to support young mothers in supporting and encouraging their children's development.
Financial aid to cover medical bills or expenses.
Pay for the legal costs of one meeting between lawyer and domestic violence survivor.
Cover the cost of four weekly sessions to support women to heal, build self confidence and escape from abusive relationships.
This donation will cover the cost for a month of nursery or childcare.
- Ensures victims of domestic abuse have all the tools to rebuild their lives by funding transportation, childcare, legal and medical expenses, and counselling.
Help give victims of domestic abuse everything they need to start a new life, funding transportation, counselling, medical, legal and childcare costs.
Become the patron of the Fundacion Luz Maria supporting work in Santiago del Estero, NYC, LA and other countries around the world.
Invitation to all Fundacion Luz Maria events.
Co-branded press release and photo shoot.