Thank You

July 2017


Dear all,

As we are entering into the final day of our campaign we just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your incredibly generous donations towards TERN and our mission. It really gives us a lot of energy and drive to continue doing what we are doing knowing that we have the support of people like yourself.

You have also enabled us to back a further 25 entrepreneurs in the Autumn, we are £750 away from reaching £10,000, if we reach this we have match funding promised for the final £10,000. So your backing is invaluable and for a small organisation like ourselves it will really go a long way in enabling our capacity to have an impact.

Please spread the message far and wide that This Refugee Can and we look forward to keeping you updated on the journeys of our entrepreneurs.

We will be in touch with those of you receiving rewards early next week.

Thank you once again for your amazing support and helping make TERN a reality.

Very best wishes,

The TERN team

Crowdfunding project

TERN: Supporting Refugee Entrepreneurs

The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network (TERN) assists refugees in becoming self-reliant through their own enterprises, proving that #ThisRefugeeCan.

Funding successful

£23,000 raised