Latest featured project, Beyond the Stage Photography Exhibition

July 2016




At Fundsurfer we help amazing projects and companies get funded.
This week's featured project is Beyond the Stage Photography Exhibition

Beyond the Stage is a photography exhibition that celebrates Bath's amazing theatrical talent.

For the last two years Ken Abbott has been working with various theatre companies across Bath documenting what the audience never sees.  The raw talent, dedication and hard work that goes on behind the scenes.

There will be an exhibition, and Ken is raising money for high quality production of the prints so they can be displayed in the best possible way. Stretch goals include further enhancements of the images and to produce a book of the exhibition.

There are some great crowdfunding rewards on offer, including photos from the exhibition and your own photoshoot, so click the button below!
 Find out more

In the news

Read an interview with singer/songwriter Victoria Klewin, who used Fundsurfer to raise money to record her debut album.

Ending soon!

Bearpit Social - café and social hub

Bearpit Social have hit 50% of their target. Help them with much needed development funding and get some great food and drink rewards!


91 Ways Peace Cafes

£6,000 raised so far and recent Peace Cafe supper clubs proving a big hit! Delicious rewards available. 


Sikh Garden of Remembrance

The Sikh community in Bristol want to create a peace garden to remember and honour the soldiers who died in World War 1 and World War 2. Pledge now to support this project. 


New project!

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Latest project is After Eats, the UK's first and only subscription box dedicated to delivering everything you need for After Dinner entertainment!

Fundsurfer is a hybrid crowdfunding and commercial funding platform and community. We provide crowdfunding and access to a range of funding options for projects and companies.

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