Local Bristol Charity REWORK launches a Crowdfunding Campaign to Raise Shortfall in Funds
July 2014
REWORK is a charity and Social Enterprise based in South Bristol. They offer vocational training to young people who struggle in mainstream schools and supportive volunteering for people wishing to re-enter the world of work. Working on real jobs in building, gardening, retail and carpentry, participants learn skills and build self-confidence enabling them to take steps to improve their lives and prospects.
Each year it costs around £350,000 to keep local youth support charity REWORK running. The small team run a shop, upcycle furniture, help households with building, gardening work and maintain green spaces. These services all run as businesses and make money however; they cannot support the additional cost of supporting and training young people and adult volunteers.
Vicky Beckwith, Rework Volunteer manager said:
“We estimate it costs £2,727 per young person per year, which is pretty cheap for building self-esteem, communication skills, confidence, helping make the transition back into education, challenging preconceptions, dealing with self-harm, suicidal thoughts, loss of family members, breakdown of home life and other problems, we offer a route back”
Volunteers under 16 do bring a bit of money with them (from their schools) and this pays towards REWORKS training coordinator. Her role is to assess needs, work out plans of involvement, report back to schools, get to know parents and generally support the young person to move their lives on.
If you can, please help us help young people help themselves.
80% of the young people that accept placements with Rework with go on to further education or work.
Rework make lots of small changes to people’s lives but those small changes add up to a big positive impact. They are looking for donations that make a small change what they can do and will add up to a big positive effect.
Donate to the campaign at https://www.fundsurfer.com/project/rework-bristol
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