Rooms London

We want to build an affordable, accessible, safe, green, beautiful Women's Centre.


We want to raise sufficient money via a community share offer to buy a suitable site to build an affordable, accessible, safe, green, beautiful Women's Centre

About us

We are a group of passionate women of all ages and ethnicities convinced of the huge value that women's organisations bring to our society.


We are all volunteers. Our board is


We have a number of volunteers across the country.


We are delighted that igloo have agreed to be our developer  if we can raise enough money to find, buy and develop a suitable site.



Everyone buying a share and promoting the idea to others is contributing to us reaching that goal.


igloo believes in “doing well by doing good”. igloo say ” We fund, deliver and animate great Places. Great for People and for the Planet.” They are an ideal developer for a Women’s Centre providing space for organisations addressing women’s needs, providing advice, counselling and signposting, dealing with sexual violence, co-ordinating campaigns, offering training, providing creative opportunities. And with a creche provided on site!


igloo have delivered over £1 billion of development and have the expertise Rooms London need. If our model for giving communities ownership of valuable spaces in perpetuity works, then igloo are in a great position to roll this out across the UK.

Offer details

Rooms London is a Community Benefit Society created by Rooms of our Own and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. Rooms London is looking to raise £1mn in community shares to help to buy a site for an affordable, accessible, safe, green and beautiful Women's Centre. 

The minimum target for the Share Offer is £500,000 which is the amount that would be taken seriously as the deposit on a site. The upper target is £1.000,000 but if we achieve more than this the money will be used to reduce the need for other loans and social investment. 

There is a single class of shares with a nominal value of £1. The minimum investment is £100 and there is a maximum investment of £50,000 by any one individual investor. Registered organisations may buy shares but need to nominate one of their number to have their name on the shares and attend AGMs.

The value of your shares will not increase, but may decrease if the liabilities plus share capital of the society exceed its assets and the directors therefore decide to write down the value of the shares. Shares are non-transferable; you cannot sell them to someone else. 

All assets of the Society are subject to an asset lock. This means that they can only be transferred to non-profit making organisations to further the objects of the society and cannot, for example, be distributed to members.

Once you are issued with your shares you will become a member of the Society. As a member you will be entitled to full voting rights at general meetings and to stand for election as a director of the society. All members have one vote irrespective of the number of shares they own.

Alexandra Gallagher ( has created a beautiful artwork especially for us.


When our Women's Centre is built, this piece will be displayed in reception. Meanwhile you can see it greyed out on our website and divided into 1,000 squares. The first one thousand people to buy shares will have a square allocated to them with a number and that square will be revealed. Those who wish it will have their names displayed; on the website and/or in the finished building.


Use of funds

We hope to raise our first £1million via this share offer. Once we have the minimum of £500,000 we can start to investigate the purchase of a suitable site. We should then be able to drawn down other sources of finance from loans, soft loans, grants, social investment bodies, our developer, philanthropic donations and other fundraising activities.

We estimate that the likely total cost of the project will be in the region of £23mn. This includes the cost of the land, the professionals fees including planning permission and surveys, the construction costs for the centre and the housing, and the developer's profit of 10%. We will build sufficient flats for sale or rent to cover the costs of the Women's Centre. For example, if 50 flats were built and sold for £500,000 each that would deliver £25,000,000. Should there be a shortfall, we believe that once the building is in place we would be in an excellent position to obtain grants for fitting out the Centre. If the site is large enough and the finances allow, we would also provide some genuinely affordable housing, ideally in partnership with another Community land Trust and if possible one that was interested in a Women's Housing Co-operative.

Why it's important


Many women's organisations have closed and many are under threat of closure because of the funding crisis and problems with premises. Research has found that demand for women-only services rose by 83% while funding fell by 50% during the last decade. (Women's Resource Centre "Hearing Women's Voices" 2018)

These are some of the benefits reported by women attending women-only spaces:-

  • gaining confidence
  • learning new skills
  • opportunities for creativity
  • opportunities for campaigning
  • possibilities for "difficult" discussions
  • sharing strategies against violence /discrimination
  • having fun in a safe space
  • getting a job
  • improving physical /mental health
  • keeping off drugs /alcohol
  • learning English
  • re-integrating post imprisonment
  • getting signposted to the right support
  • sharing resources




We believe there are enough women who value the idea of having a women's space that will be theirs in perpetuity to raise sufficient funds to buy our own site. And we hope that many men will also be interested so support this be investing in Rooms London.

The building will be owned in perpetuity by the women who use it, putting an end to valuable organisations folding due to problems with premises and funding. We know that there is something life-affirming about women coming together in a dedicated space to organise, campaign, debate, support and create. The first building will be in London, but we hope that people across the country and beyond will love this idea so much that they will be prepared to invest. If Rooms London is successful, we hope to roll out the model to other cities in the UK.


Project documents

PDF icon roomslondonbusinessplanfinal.pdf3.05 MB
PDF icon roomslondonshareofferdocumentfinal.pdf8.56 MB

Share your time and skills...

Promoting the offer would be our greatest help

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invested of £500,000 minimum target;
our maximum target is £1,000,000

2% invested



This project ended on Friday the 31st of March, 2023

Investment type

Community Shares

Forecast return


Investment term

5 yrs

Minimum target


Investment minimum


Investment maximum


Organisation name

Rooms London

Contact address

132, Howard Road
E17 4SQ
United Kingdom

Contact email

Website and social links

Recent comments

I would very much like to see this project succeed and will spread the word about it.

Celia Coram

Well done to this initiative. Really hope it will take off in 2023!

Flow Like a Cloud

We women needs rooms of our own more than ever. Women-only spaces bring love, support, joy and action.

Jessica Ray

I'm so excited about this project! I wish I could invest more but I can't at the moment. London needs a Women's Centre again.


I’m so pleased and excited to be a part of making this important project happen on our journey to end violence against women and girls…let’s UNiTE!


Can't wait for this to be fully funded -inspiring many other similar projects all over the country and the world.


I am so delighted to be able to do something to give support to this extraordinary project. What phenomenal women you are, and what a phenomenal difference this will make for women in London.

Sarah Vine

Wishing all the best for the project to succeed.

Loretta Light

Good Luck. A worthy project.


Great project. Best of luck.

Ben Rubinstein

My local women's centre closed down 6 yrs ago. The loss of this was overwhelming for women. To be able to help build a space where women can come together for support, friendship and campaigning is fantastic.

Feminist Punkette

So excited for this project - thank you for creating more women’s spaces.


Thank you for doing this wonderful and necessary project.

Good luck - this is a fantastic idea. I very much enjoyed learning about it at the Filia conference in Cardiff.

Sue Bruce

good luck x

Jan n

A wonderful project which I am delighted to support


Good luck!

Emma Burnell

The women's movement badly needs places to meet and organise

Wendy Davis


If you are in any doubt about the information on this website, the content of the accompanying annual report or the action you should take, you should immediately consult a person authorised for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, who specialises in advising on investment in shares and other securities.

Prospective investors should be aware that the value of the shares, which will not be quoted, can fluctuate. In addition, there is no certainty that investors will get back the full amount they invest.