Aid Box Community - Corona Virus appeal
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£7,036 was raised by 153 supporters — that's teamwork!
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About us
Aid Box Community is a long-established Bristol Charity supporting Asylum Seekers and Refugees who are making Bristol their home.
We started life in response to the needs of people living in appalling conditions in the camps of northern France and went on to set up a thriving free shop and welcome hub in the centre of Bristol. We have over 400 registered service users from 40+ countries. Many of our service users face stark choices living on just £5 per day and often experience isolation and poor access to vital services. In light of recent events, we need to ensure that we can get aid packages to those unable to leave their homes.
About this project
We know that our service users face isolation, poor access to health services and often suffer from both physical and mental health conditions brought about by their circumstances.
At ABC, we have made it our mission to ensure that Asylum seekers and Refugees are recognised in their own right as valuable members of Bristol's brilliant community.
Sadly, although understandably we are following the advice of health professionals and closing our hub and free shop until we are given the all clear to reopen.
In true Aid Box Style, we will respond practically to the vulnerable people who still so desperately need our help.
Our amazing volunteers will act as community connections workers, regularly phoning or video calling service users to check in and see if they are OK. The connections team will assess peoples need and ensure that those who need practical help receive it quickly and safely.
Our aid response team will then mobilise and deliver food packages that you have helped us purchase, pick up prescriptions or post etc.
The team
We both love and rely on a huge group of Bristol's finest volunteers to help us operate all year round, this response is no different and we have organised a solid volunteer force who are ready to help. We have also spent considerable time ensuring that our policies and procedures allow us to minimise contact and work safely.
Risks and challenges
This is an uncertain time for all of us, news is changing fast as is the Government advice. We need to be able to respond quickly to the needs of our service users and can only do this with your help.
We have the people and the knowledge, all need your, support and a donation to be able to buy the food and essential living items for some of the city’s most vulnerable people.
(due to contact restrictions, we are unable to accept individual items of aid, we have to have a single source so we can ensure as little contact is made as possible)
pledged of £10,000 goal (GBP)
153 backers
This is an open ended project. There is no time limit and payments are taken straight away.