Getting the #GenerationRent Crisis onto the Map


This project finished on Friday the 20th of December, 2019

£500 was raised by 4 supporters — that's teamwork!

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It is imperative we get the #GenerationRent Crisis onto the new Government's agenda so I'm standing as the first UK #unCandidate in general election

An Entire  Generation Are Locked Out from Owning A Home

This is not just grossly unfair it is positively unhealthy and dangerous for our society as a whole depriving generations to come of a stable home and the means to earn and have their financial independence.

The longer this goes on the harder it gets to fix and we have identified both root causes and measures which government can and should start taking now to do just that - they're detailed at

This is a crucial issue for us all, all generations, so we need to come together to get this top of mind and on the agenda now. We need your help!

The alternative is unthinkable: Generations to come without financial independence or stability unless we start to turn the boat around now. Let's do this together.


As the most effective way to get this on the map I have decided to stand as an #unCandidate in the general election, seeking to ensure that all the other candidates understand what is a largely a hidden, or ignored, issue, seriously.

To have the right impact we need your help to spread the word, by joining us online via the link above, signing the petition (also there) and chipping in here to ensure we can do what we need to do to get the word out and the issue top of the agenda.

Reaching our initial goal will enable us to:

  • Reach over 60,000 households in Sheffield - covering printing costs and deposit
  • Establish the first BeyondRent Hub offering hope, information, signposting & support
  • Use this as a template for BeyondRent hubs across the UK!

About the #unCandidate

Barry James is an innovator, writer, serial entrepreneur & changemaker

A thought leader and pioneer in Fintech, Crowdfunding and Medtech and also champion of innovation including through smarter regulation.

About this project

The Generation unRent Crisis: Why I'm the UK’s First #unCandidate

Why I'm the UK’s First #unCandidate

Generation unRent is one of the biggest issues facing us - for those who are locked out by it THE BIGGEST!

If we don’t tackle it now the signs are that it will become entrenched & impoverish generations to come. This is a systemic failure. 

When hope is removed, resentment can soon be replaced by a stinging sense of injustice - or worse - and we are failing a generation while showing no signs of taking it anything like seriously enough.

The data is clear: nine out of ten millennials want to own their own home; but most of them, unlike their parents’ generation, have realised that - as things stand - this is now just a pipedream. 



Meanwhile eight out of ten of those in rented accommodation want out. Who can blame them? This is not the secure, affordable, council houses and flats of the previous generation, that came with tenure. This comes with high and rising rents and little or no security of tenure - and all too often with a landlord who is content to create something that begins to look like Victorian slum conditions. Or who simply doesn't care and can't be bothered to get things fixed when they break.

Too long ago now, the House of Lords recognised this as what it called 'Intergenerational Unfairness' - and wrote a report about it. This year the financial regulator (the FCA) held a consultation on it, calling it "the most important issue of our time"; but as the year comes close to an end, has yet to act.

A Place to Call Our Own
If we cannot have a settled 'place to call our own' - or at least hope to earn one - what else can we not have? The truth is that, unless they have a wealthy relative, this is now beyond the reach of the many. Rocketing house prices, high and rising rents and flat earnings without fat bonuses have put homeownership beyond the many. 

Unless something changes, this quietly dire situation is set to get worse - much worse! - for this generation and the next. 

Losing Hope
Indeed we only need to look back into our own history or out into the wider world to see where this could be headed. To see what happens when people - and especially the young - lose hope. 


Because this problem of our time has roots that are deep and global. As has been pointed out, it is high property prices, making living unaffordable, that is behind unrest - and even rioting in places such as Hong Kong - where the rising generation are rising up.

Perhaps distracted by Brexit there is far too little awareness, in government and elsewhere, of what is a mounting problem that we need to get to grips with now.

For me what started as a technology quest, to harness new technology and especially Blockchain, to smooth the process, has turned into two years of growing awareness and study of what has been, until now, an almost hidden problem.

The Good News!
The good news is that there are things that we can and should be doing right now to start to fix this, and, in the longer term, 'turn the boat around'. But they are not happening. They're barely on the agenda. And not only do we risk hope, and all that goes with it, but we risk reaching a position where it becomes all but impossible to turn the boat around.

Which is why I have become the UK's first, independent, #unCandidate, in this general election.


Your Part:

Contribute: To make this effective we need to take the opportunity of an 'election communication' to every household in the constituancy at a cost of around £1,500 for printing etc. 

Please contribute £10, or better still more to enable us to reach all the households in Sheffield Central. Better still £300 and we will use the money to start work on a hub for your town or city using the Sheffield Hub as a template. If this is too much of a stretch please find a reward in between that you can stretch to or, better still, band together with a few other people and work with us to create a hub where you are! Please look at the rewards to the right. Then...

Join The Network here: JOIN US!




Don’t Vote for Me – But Do...

I don't want a position, or to sit in parliament as an MP. So please don't vote for me. Instead please go to and sign it. Read the BeyondRent manifesto there too. And, if this affects you, your children or family, join us.

We want to create not just awareness but sources of hope and resources for people to use across the UK, by creating BeyondRent Hubs in every town and city. Somewhere people, and their families, can go to get help, information and inspiration - and  to solve their problems together.

Please sign the PETITION HERE and JOIN US!

Please help spread the word by inviting and encouraging family and friends to join us too.


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Petition :

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Share your time and skills...

Please help support some of the hard costs to stand as the UK’s First #unCandidate, for Sheffield Central Constituency in the General Election.

Help this project with time and skills


pledged of £2,000 goal (GBP)

25% pledged



This project ended on 20 December 2019

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

This project was created by

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£5 – GenerationUnRent Supporter

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£10 – GenerationUnRent Supporter

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Thank you for helping our campaign, we will be very pleased to invite you to our campaign event.

£25 – GenerationUnRent Supporter

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Thank you for helping our campaign, we will be very pleased to invite you to our campaign event.

£50 – GenerationUnRent Supporter

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Thank you for helping our campaign, we will be very pleased to invite you to our campaign event.

£75 – GenerationUnRent Supporter

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Thank you for helping our campaign, we will be very pleased to invite you to our campaign event.

£100 – GenerationUnRent Supporter

1 person wants this

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Thank you for helping our campaign, we will be very pleased to invite you to our campaign event.

£300 – Catalyse a Hub [Here]

1 person wants this

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Bring BeyondRent to your town or city by requesting a hub. Your locale will be among the first in the queue and you will be named (unless you choose to remain anonymous) as a cofounder.

Choose this reward and we will be in touch to get the ball rolling!

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