South Bristol’s largest community event needs your help. The three months of lantern-making workshops each year in local schools and community centres over the autumn, and the spectacular December Parade enjoyed by thousands are such a feature of our neighbourhood’s life that it just has to keep going.

How do you make it happen?
Each year a small group of BS3 residents raise the money needed to run the three-month project for local schools and community groups to build remarkable illuminated lanterns and put on the parade in December - a festival of light, music and community spirit of over 2,000 Paraders and even more spectators.

Ok, so how much does that cost?
You might be surprised at the costs involved for running a project like this. The team of volunteers on the committee do all their work for free, but each year we need to budget for the costs of placing artists into the schools for 3 months, materials to make the lanterns, musicians, road closures, traffic management, insurance to name but a few things. And each year, the costs go up.
This year’s budget is £19,000.

That’s a pretty big amount. How do you raise that?
Up until now we have met our funding goals through a mix of grant applications and community fundraising. But this year much of the grant money just isn’t there – you may have seen a bit about funding difficulties in the local press. And now we face a rather large hole in our budget.

We need to raise £3,800 by Sunday 15th July, so that we can be in a position to confirm that the lantern-making workshops can start in September.
If we don’t make it, no Bedminster Winter Lantern Parade.
But £3,800 is not an insurmountable sum. If you lovely people in the community help us out by donating some money, together we’ll totally be able to make this year’s Parade a reality.
We've got a few Rewards, so take a look, but please help us with whatever amount you can.
Don't let the lights go out - please donate today.
Thank you so much
Love from the #bemmylanterns team x