WildlifeX - Awesome series about Wildlife in crisis


This project finished on Monday the 2nd of March, 2020

£1,403 was raised by 38 supporters — that's teamwork!

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We are fundraising to film a Sizzle reel for "WildlifeX", a reality show focusing on Wildlife in need.

The Team

Our team is truly international! 

From MojoStreaming we have 4 Filmmakers in Canada and South Africa who each have more than 30 years experience in the Film and Television Industry. 

  • Bernard van Speyk,(top left) from in Toronto . 
  • Brigid Olen (top middle) is in Cape Town
  • Gavin Sweeney (top right) is in Cape Town
  • Luke Cornell (bottom left) is in Cape Town. 

Also part of the team are:

  • Cami Ciotta, (bottom middle), COO of  Roku Channel GITV Film & TV, Logansport, Indiana, USA.
  • Nadia Tholance (bottom right) Media sales person  from Paris le Cap in Paris, France.

Lastly of course, we have our incredible Host from Perth Australia, Aldo de Rooster (below).

Our team, besides all being wonderful people, all have two things in common  - They are all passionate about Wildlife, and all share a love of storytelling through film.

About this project

WildlifeX is a fun reality show with a very serious and urgent message. Aldo de Rooster, our host, will take viewers on an adventure filled trip to Wildlife Sanctuaries around the world, in far flung forests, jungles, deserts and remote mountain locations, meeting animals of every variety imaginable that are being cared for there. He will introduce us to the dedicated men and women who rescue them, and nurse them back to health, often at great expense and risk to themselves. For a few days, he will integrate himself into the operations at the sanctuaries, getting down and dirty with the workers.

Many of those stories will have happy endings, as the animals are healed and released back into the wild.There will be heartbreak too though, as some animals are just too ill or injured, despite the best efforts of the heroes who look after them.

The focus of the show are those species that are endangered, being pushed to the edge of their demise - mostly by the actions of human beings. The X in our title "WildlifeX" cries out that horrifying word - Extinction!.

Our mission is to change attitudes through stories, to become another iconic TV series that will assist in the battle for our planet. As well as animal lovers and those that are concerned for the environment, we are going to be targeting those communities that fall under the radar in conservation education.

Our mission has become all the more urgent, as the disasters caused by climate change occur with increasing regularity, now almost on a daily basis.


The "Sizzle reel"

In order to get backing for the series, we have to produce a "Sizzle reel/Pilot Video", a trailer of sorts, for Networks and Financiers to get a clear picture not only of our concept, but to showcase the skill and experience that our team has in terms of story telling and producing.

WildlifeX host Aldo de Rooster


In order to shoot the Sizzle reel, we will need £12 500.00. We will visit a sanctuary in Australia, where sanctuaries are overrun with victims of the wildfires. A key member of the team needs to travel to meet up with Aldo in Australia, with video gear to film the Sizzle reel. There are gear rental, visa, hotel and travel costs, as well as crew costs, and post production costs that need to be covered. A small part of the amount we are raising is going to marketing costs as well as the costs of rewards to the wonderful backers of our crowdfunding initiative.

If we are successful in raising funds to shoot the sizzle reel, we know we can offer a product to Media purchasers and backers that will ensure that the WildlifeX series will not only get picked up, but will run for many seasons. 

Should we be fortunate enough to raise more than the required amount, the additional funds will be used towards the next phase - shooting an entire episode, the first episode of WildlifeX.

In the unlikely event of us not being able to raise enough through our efforts, we will first pay off any costs associated with the campaign. Thereafter, all funds will utilized to continue to raise enough to produce our sizzle reel.

Cost % Breakdown:

Aldo gives us a peek into the show 

Click on the image to watch video

Risks and challenges

The biggest challenge to us in completing the project, is lack of funds. However, given the interest shown in this series, we are confident we will achieve the funds we need.

Share your time and skills...

If you know of bona fide Wildlife Sanctuaries who would like to be featured on our series, please give them our details. If you care about Wildlife, and would like to see this great series airing season after season, then please, SPREAD THE WORD!!

Help this project with time and skills


pledged of £12,500 goal (GBP)

12% pledged



This project ended on 2 March 2020

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

This project was created by

Get these rewards

£10 – Less than USD $14. Receive an electronic wildlife photo

4 people want this

Get this reward

Receive an electronic wildlife photo. 10 to choose from.

£25 – Less than USD $34 -. Receive an electronic wildlife 12 month calendar

4 people want this

Get this reward

Receive an electronic wildlife 12 month calendar

£50 – Less than USD $68 - Autographed photo of Aldo on Set

1 person wants this

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Autographed photo of Aldo on Set

£100 – Less than USD $131 - Receive a 18-month Premium Paper Calendar (beautiful wildlife photos)

1 person wants this

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18 Stunning wildlife images for your desktop

£150 – Less than USD $196 - Receive a T-Shirt plus All the above

1 person wants this

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Receive a T-Shirt plus All the above

£250 – Less than USD $ 325 - Amazing wildlife book

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I would like to honor my amazing, truly remarkable great uncle with giving this book to supporters of WildlifeX. Can you make a $250.00 reward?
Cami Ciotta

£500 – Less than USD $649 - Receive All the above + a personalized thank you video from Aldo

Receive All the above + a personalized thank you video from Aldo

£12,500 – Less than USD $16175 - Super backer!!!

Get this reward

Super backers get to join us on location in Australia during the shooting of the sizzle reel. Economy airfare, transport, hotel, and food all covered.

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