£10 – Thank you - Please join us at the event (Single Ticket Early Bird)
7 people want this
This reward level gets you a ticket to the event, and an HIV ribbon (collected at the event). Please note, you must be over 18 to attend this event.
Support this project and get these fantastic rewards!
7 people want this
This reward level gets you a ticket to the event, and an HIV ribbon (collected at the event). Please note, you must be over 18 to attend this event.
Provide us with your email address, and we will email a thank you to you, along with information about the services your donation is helping to support.
1 person wants this
You will get an HIV ribbon, and a thank you from Brigstowe. Wear your red ribbon with pride and show support and solidarity for people living with HIV, and for HIV awareness.
1 person wants this
This reward level gets you a ticket to the event, and an HIV ribbon (collected at the event). Money will not be taken until the event is confirmed. Please note, you must be over 18 to attend this event.
1 person wants this
This reward level gets you two tickets to the event, and an HIV ribbon each (collected at the event). Money will not be taken until the event is confirmed. Please note, you must be over 18 to attend this event.
This reward level gets you four tickets to the event, and an HIV ribbon for each (collected at the event). Money will not be taken until the event is confirmed. Please note, you must be over 18 to attend this event.