Updates for Prevent Drug and Alcohol Use in 5 Schools Through Performing Arts Workshops

100% Target Reached!!



We wanted to tell you that we hit our target a few minutes ago! 

We did it!! And when we say 'we', that includes all of you because we could not have done any of this without you!! A massive thank you to you all for you support, for sharing our campaign with your networks, posting it on social media, retweeting it on Twitter, sharing articles and of course for donating!!


Hi al!! 

Just wanted to take a minute to give you a quick update as you may not have had a chance to check the page. So the crowdfunding campaign ends tomorrow at MIDNIGHT and we are currently just £100 from reaching our target!! That is incredible. We've had an absolute flurry of pledges within the last 24 hours, hopefully this will continue as people realise time is truly running out! 


Hi all!

Today we have just 7 days left of our crowdfunding campaign! In the last week we are incredibly grateful that our crowdfunding campaign has been featured by Tilt Magazine and UKFundraising! We are so close to hitting out target, and have raised £1,205. 

Over the past year, we have worked tirelessly on building an organisation that addresses some of the most pressing issues young people face today. 

We've passed the halfway mark!

Hi all!

So we've passed the halfway point, and there is just over two weeks left of the crowdfunding campaign left! We cannot believe how quickly the time has gone, but we are doing so well and have raised £1,105! We've had unbelievable support from our friends and family and we are very grateful! So as we going into the final two weeks, we ask that you continue to share our campaign, tell a new person about why you donated to our project, and help us can reach more people and achieve our target of £1,500. 

Two Weeks Gone, Three to go!!

Hi all!

So we are two weeks into our crowdfunding today and we've raised £1,020! We are super pleased, and are gearing ourselves up for the final three weeks of the campaign. Thank you for all your help, please continue to share about our project so we can reach more people and achieve our target of £1,500. 


Hi all, just a little update and a big THANK YOU! We have just completed our first week of crowdfunding yesterday!! Thanks to your amazing (and overwhelming!) support we have raised an impressive £870!! This is actually 58% of our final target amount of £1500, so we are super chuffed!!

You've all been fantastic supporters, please continue to tell your networks amount the crowdfunding project; we really want to be able to provide this education for the furture of our young people. We have been in talks with Acton High School and they are excited about receiving a FREE workshop!