Latest update on Afghanistan Fundraising Campaign

February 2022


We have joined with two experts in the world to create the Presidium Network, a non-profit CIC. We are now putting all our donations through the CIC rather than Fundsurfer directly with a dedicated board and team that is delivering support inside Afghanistan and help with security and logistics to save people lives.

We have also joined up Presidium with three other organisations creating a micro coalition called the Joint Humanitarian Operations Centre (JHOC). Under JHOC we have a dedicated team in Kabul delivering aid, medical supplies vaccines and evacuation support. Our three partners are Smart SBC, Shoulder to Shoulder and Osprey Global which allows us to have full supply chains to support those in crisis zones such as Afghanistan and Ukraine. Giving us stability of support. This coalition is directly supporting over 12,000 people on a daily basis either stranded in Afghanistan or are vulnerable in a new country but also indirectly helped over 26,000 people to survive in the Taliban. We want to help millions more.

The reality is that very few families have been given asylum into the UK, EU and US and we still have over 200 people stuck either in Afghanistan or temporarily stuck in third party countries without permanent asylum.  We have been supporting one vulnerable family who are stuck in Pakistan waiting for the UK to make a decision on their asylum, they have lost everything and have no formal support in Pakistan. Also we will be making a donation of £1000 to Community Aid Box to support Afghan nationals that have been located in the Bristol area.

We want to do more and have the capacity now to deliver thousands of tonnes of aid to every part of Afghanistan, however we need the money and support to buy the food and medicine as well distribute the resources throughout Afghanistan as well as help people relocate and settle in safety. 

Thanks for your help and support, please keep sharing project page and we will update you again soon.

Dominik & the Presidium Team


Crowdfunding project

Supporting Afghan families in need

We are fundraising to help citizens of Afghanistan and provide urgently needed aid and support
41% raised
Open ended
41% pledged