£7 – Co-operative Greens badge
14 people want this

REDUCED COST: If you donate at least £7, I'll send you a couple of badges with the Co-operative Greens logo.
(If you want more badges, please donate a bit more and ask me for them)
Support this project and get these fantastic rewards!
14 people want this
REDUCED COST: If you donate at least £7, I'll send you a couple of badges with the Co-operative Greens logo.
(If you want more badges, please donate a bit more and ask me for them)
9 people want this
REDUCED COST: If you donate at least £30, you qualify for a green t-shirt with the Co-operative Greens logo in white.
I'll contact you to find out what size you want.
You'll also get Co-operative Greens badges.