Updates for Independently publishing Solomon's Secrets

Amy C Fitzjohn has a new book out!

Hi everyone

It's approaching one year now since I successfully completed my crowdfund to publish Solomon's Secrets.

A lot has happened in the last 12 months. My writing career is flourishing, thanks in no small part to the generous support of my wonderful crowdfund backers and to the team at Fundsurfer.

Being a relentless writer, I'm still tapping away conjuring up new stories and characters. I have also now started my own business providing freelance business support on a group or 1:1 basis so I can help other creatives to realise their dreams.

And we're done...


It's been a long journey - blood, sweat, tears, excitement and exhaustion but I made it!

I received a lovely big box of brand spanking new books this week:

I'll be emailing all of my backers individually over the next couple of days and arranging delivery.

The book will be availible on Amazon this week.

Getting the professionals involved and final rewrites...what's next?

Hello to all you fabulous people who backed me,

I'm making steady progress towards publication, thanks to your help.

I've taken delivery of stock of The Bronze Box for all of you who requested a copy as a reward. I'll email you separately to find out what dedication you’d like me to sign it with, where and when to deliver it, so check your inbox.

Crowdfunding? Was it good for you...

I had a really enjoyable interview recently and it's come out just in time before the pledges close.

In the interview I talk about my experience of crowdfunding, my books and how I've tackled the marketing of my work.

It's a great listen, with some tips for anyone considering crowdfunding or looking for some promotional ideas - enjoy:


5 days, £274 - so close...

I have just 5 days to go and only £274 to raise - I'm so close!

Thank you to everyone who's pledged so far!

After months of writing blog posts and articles for free, speaking at events for free, hours of hard work put in by the Fundsurfer team (unpaid), hundreds of miles travelled campaigning to get some support, so much encouragement from friends and family - it would be really sad to stumble at this last hurdle.

70%...just a little more - and what you can do to help...

Hi everyone

Thanks for following the progress and backing me. I'm just over 70% there now, I just need a few more backers to make it happen!

Meeting the publisher…

I had a really good meeting with Silverwood books today to look at the various publishing options.

I'm really keen to work with them and believe it could take my writing career to the next level, with a bit of extra help from the professionals.

Thank you's and pass it on...


Thanks to MisterGabs for being the latest to pledge.

I've been playing with audio files today and have recorded the Prolgue. For a taste of things to come, have a listen on SoundCloud:


And if you like it and want to read some more, check out my blogsite wqhere I have been serializing the book:
