£10 – Fan
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You will receive our heartfelt appreciation for your contribution! Every dollar is a step towards making this project a success, and we won't be able to do it without you!!!
Support this project and get these fantastic rewards!
3 people want this
You will receive our heartfelt appreciation for your contribution! Every dollar is a step towards making this project a success, and we won't be able to do it without you!!!
1 person wants this
You will get a shout out on social media as one of our favorite fans!
1 person wants this
We will make you famous by adding you to our WALL OF FAME on the Behind 13 website!
1 person wants this
You will receive a full size, digital Behind 13 poster, and a digital copy of the pilot episode script!
You will get a full size, digital Behind 13 poster, AND a digital copy of the script of the pilot episode of Behind 13, all signed by the cast!
You will receive all of the above, a special designation on our Wall of Fame, and a digital photo album of Behind the Scenes material!
You will receive all of the above rewards, AND a mention in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits on the remaining episodes of this season of Behind 13.
You will receive all of the above items, and have a credit as an Executive Producer in the remaining five episodes of Behind 13's first season! You will also be able to have Coffee With The Creators, Rebecca Raymer (writer/director), Levi Krevinghaus (producer), and Casey Krevinghaus (casting director) in Atlanta ( U.S. only; travel expenses are not included)!