I do love a good Bon Jovi moment
June 2018
and at eleven minutes past ten this evening we had the one I'd been waiting for.
Get ready....drumroll......
Thanks to you lovely donors, we hit £1,970 this evening and I am jumping around my living room, pointing my fingers into the air hissing "yessssssssss!"
We've been watching the fundometer closely and gnawing out nails for the past few days, and we are so incredibly pleased by your responses so far. Bon Jovi pleased, in fact.
All we need to do now hammer that second half, and we'll have the 2018 Lantern Parade after all. So get sharing and pestering your lovely friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, random strangers and we'll get there!
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear!
(sorry - quite excited over here)