Health Hub CIC


This project finished on Monday the 14th of September, 2015

£1,755 was raised by 25 supporters — that's teamwork!

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Help us grow, reach the wider community and invest in crucial items and services including a mega juicer!

What is Health Hub CIC?

Health Hub is a visionary, entrepreneurial extension to our established and successful Natural Health Clinic (established in 1981, the first of its kind in the country!)

We are a one-stop shop that offers a unique combination of accessible treatments and education, customer-friendly information about health and wellbeing and a vibrant organic cafe. As a Community Interest Company (CIC) our profits will help fund outreach and education programmes where they are needed most. 

Our Mission is to put healthy living at the heart of our community and everyday lives.  

In 1981, the Clinic paved the way as the UK’s first centre for complementary and alternative medicine. In 2015, Health Hub will present a social enterprise business model for putting health and wellbeing at the heart of the community.

Health Hub is much more than a great cafe, it is a launchpad for outreach work that can benefit vast numbers of people.  We are on a mission for true social change in the way people approach healthcare and prevention.

Health Hub has successfully already opened its first organic, vitality cafe in Bristol below the existing Natural Health Clinic and has attracted the attention of healthy foodies city wide. With 5 star reviews and customers excited at the current offering, we know we are doing something right and setting a precedent once again. However, we have yet to finish some vital parts of the Hub that will showcase the full offering and for this, we need your help!

With a little more help from you we can finish our educational information points, invest in some much needed kitchen equipment, signage, delivery transport and much more.

Once the first flagship Hub is running smoothly and presents the full vision, we are set to open many more which will ensure our social impact is vast, exciting and wide ranging.

Pledge now!

Where did it all begin?

From humble beginnings, The Natural Health Clinic was the FIRST multi disciplinary centre for natural or holistic health in the country.  Set up by Annie du Plessis and Tony Harisson, the clinic has continued to operate over the years and is regarded by many as a centre for excellence in complementary and alternative healthcare.

Annie du Plessis passed away a few years ago and rather than accept the imminent closure of the premises, it was apparant this was not an option after hearing about the tens of thousands of people that have benefited from the original clinic over the years.  So, her daughter Rebecca du Plessis, moved back from her entrpreneurial beach life in Morocco where she was busy building a large project..and took the reigns. It was clear that although the original founders had successfully completed their vision (back in 1981 there were no other centres for wellbeing and therapies that are commonplace today), this was a new era and a new vision was needed.  

It has been a very organic process and the result is an exciting, inspiring and engaging business that brings all the pieces of the jigsaw together.  there is no other offering out there like this; it is truly a community Health Hub in every sense and has endless possibilities.

Why is healthy living important?

At Health Hub we welcome everybody, wherever they may be on their journey.  We want people to come in, get inspired, informed and learn about new pathways to wellness.  We want people to 'Take Control of their Health'

We have become used to a society that relies on a ‘magic bullet’ approach to health; ‘Get me better’!  It is imperative that we get more involved in our own wellbeing and focus on prevention, lifestyle choices and self-help techniques.  

Messages about healthy living and wellbeing permeate our everyday lives and there has been a noticeable shift in the public’s desire to eat and live well in order to remain healthy.  

How will the world be different with our project in it?

Imagine a Health Hub on every high street offering a variety of services relevant to the area in which they are situated.  The vision is large, interconnecting and makes sense; If it is normal to pop into a pharmacy and pick up a prescription, why can it not be as normal to pop into a high street HUB and discover new pathways to wellness, choice and vitality along with links to other relevant organisations, self help education  and easy to access information? We want to scale up and create Health Hubs all over the place and ensure no one misses out as each Hub helps fund outreach work in the wider community #winwin.  Our Social Impact can be vast and wide ranging…we have many pieces of the jigsaw and the plan is in place.

How will the project unfold once we have the money?

We need to invest in some items and services to ensure the full vision of the first Hub is realised (namely some more kitchen equipment, membership, IT and education, transport for outreach and delivery and more). Once we have launched and tested all the planned aspects of the first Hub, we can seek further investment for replicating the Hub in other locations.  We can also ensure we are firmly on the map by having the kit we need for events and outreach work, so Health Hub brand can pop up anywhere and our outreach programmes (for example, can get to those most in need.

What is the money for? 


  • will help pay for reprinting of our leaflets along with ordering more stock, finish off the signage throughout the HUB interior and help pay final invoices from the amazing team who helped us achieve the (nearly) finished Hub. 


  • IT and education tools (for the existing information points in the HUB; acting as a portal to audio, visual and multimedia to enhance signposting and learning.
  • Kitchen equipment

£20,000 Stretch Goal

  • An electric cargo bike, to enable us to deliver our healthy organic meal days around Bristol to companies who care about what their staff eat for lunch!
  • A healthy ice cream and juice trolley made from recycled materials to be used on our sundeck and at events throughout summer; this can also be used for demonstrations on making healthy smoothies (engaging kids and adults alike) and gives a perfect platform to engage with younger people about healthy eating.
  • Investing in developing sustainable product ranges, marketing and new 'go green' packaging

£25,000- £50,000 Stretch Goal

  • will allow us to realise our dream of investing in a superduper juicer that will allow us to get more juice to you more regularly! Also we need an outreach van to get into the most deprived areas with our range of outreach services..the possibilities then become endless! 

Pledge now!

Health Hub has been born out of the longest established multi-disciplinary holistic health clinic in the country.  With over 34 years of Professional knowledge, skill and expertise and a new dynamic team to lead the way, we have the perfect combination of strong roots and entrepreneurial vision to ensure Health Hub reaches its full potential.

The first Hub has already opened and is attracting more people every day.  We just need help to bridge the gap until further investment is raised.  There is no one more passionate or determined to make sure this vision succeeds!

Who are the team?

Rebecca du Plessis, Company Director

Rebecca is a social entrepreneur and has 15 years’ business experience gained through the property development, tourism, voluntary and healthcare sectors, in the UK and overseas. She has raised investment for and delivered capital projects worth up to £5 million and is now directing her entrepreneurial experience to health and wellbeing.

Anthony Harrison, Clinical Directing Officer

Tony co-founded the Natural Health Clinic in 1981 and has worked there as an acupuncturist for 30 years. He graduated in Biological Sciences and trained at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the London-based College of Chinese Herbal Medicine. He founded the Bristol Chinese Herb Garden and lectures to University of Bristol students there.

Kristian Townsend, Events and Outreach Director

Kristian has 14 years’ experience of sales, marketing, new business development and relationship management gained in the business publishing and recruitment sectors. He also runs a record label and recording studio and has negotiated a regular weekly programme on BCfm, Bristol’s community radio station.

Our Rewards!

We are very chuffed to be launching our Hub membership program to kick off the campaign.  Hub membership not only shows your ongoing support to us, but also gives you great discounts and benefits, especially if you use the Hub regularly! 

With experiences from a tour around the Bristol Chinese Herb Garden to a VIP Hub lunch, this campaign is a chance to pledge your support but also get things that are a one off. 

All the T shirts are 100% organic, fairtrade and manufactured by a cool and ethical company called Rapanui.  When the campaign has come to a close we will contact those of you who have purchased T shirts for size, style and colour preference (so dont worry, we will send you exactly what you want!)

If you just want to DONATE, then that is 100% fine by us! We will also be running the campaign inside the Hub and at Reception..come and talk to us and find out more.  

Please Please SHARE this campaign with your own networks and help us achieve our goal that will benefit many..THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT ;)


pledged of £15,000 goal (GBP)

12% pledged



This project ended on 14 September 2015

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

This project was created by

Get these rewards

£10 – Your Good Health!

4 people want this

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A healthy Thank You and a 250ml cold-pressed organic juice*

(*cannot be delivered); If you live outside of Bristol, UK,, we can donate your juice!. We have teamed up with St Mungo's Broadway, who help rebuild lives day by day, so give your juice to someone who will appreciate the gesture and faces hard day to day struggles. Find out more about the great work they do;

£20 – Bee Calm

4 people want this

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Kids organic cotton T shirt featuring a funky 'Bee Calm' logo designed by well known graffiti artist Cheo. (choose from white/green/yellow; 3-4yrs/5-6yrs/7-8yrs/9-10yrs/11-12 yrs.)

'Be still, bee calm and be strong inside'; this is how we encourage and inspire kids who attend our schools outreach project to learn lifelong lessons in mindfulness and inner peace.

£20 – Ninja Calm Bag

1 person wants this

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Be the Change...Be Ninja Calm. 100% cotton, organic tote bag with our warrior of Ninja Calm logo on. Available in Black/Pink/White (other colours available on request)
*Can deliver (delivery charge may apply, will keep it as reasonable as possible, depending on where you are!

£25 – Be Ninja Calm

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'Real Strength is Inner Strength'

Be the change...Be Ninja Calm!

Men or Women's quality organic cotton T-shirt (Black/White/Purple) Men's; (S/M/L/Xl/XXL) Women's style available in sizes 8-16

Look out for details of our next Ninja Calm Flashmob...where will we strike next? (and be prepared with T-shirt already in hand!) coming soon! *Can deliver (charge may apply)

£50 – Green Membership

1 person wants this

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1 year Green level membership for Health Hub. Membership entitles you to;
10% off food & drink,
Discounts on selected talks and workshops,
Unlimited free use of meditation pod,
Invitation to special member events,
Access to health and wellbeing information online,
Regular e-newsletter

£75 – Baby Hub Package

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A day pass at our Thursday Baby Hub to take part in any sessions of your choice (Baby Massage/ante natal yoga/independent midwife consultations and more!) Includes lunch and advice with Baby Hub legend Dominique Sarkoilsky, founder of and author of 'seven secrets of a joyful birth'

£50 – Have your say! be a panellist on our Health Hub Radio show

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Fancy yourself as a radio presenter? Enjoy discussing things and want a wider platform?! We invite you to join our hosts Kris Townsend and Annabel Ross in the studio as a special guest on our very own Health Hub radio show that goes out live every Tuesday on bcfm radio between 10am-12pm. We cover a wide range of topics. Listen to some of our shows here;

£75 – The VIP vitality lunch - with us!

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You will be our special guest! We'll give you a full range of dishes from the menu, talk you through everything you are interested in...and more! This is your chance to meet the team, dine with the Directors Rebecca du Plessis and Kris Townsend, ask us whatever you like, tell us your views and have your say about the Hub;..A lovely VIP lunch on the sundeck and meet the Hub founding family!

£100 – Gold level Membership

2 people want this

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1 year Gold Membership. Gold Membership entitles you to;
10% off food & drink,
Discounts on selected talks and workshops,
Unlimited free use of meditation pod,
Invitation to special member events,
Access to health and wellbeing information online,
Regular e-newsletter
PLUS: 10% off clinic therapies with selected practitioners and
Access to VIP events

£175 – The Lotus - Chinese Herb Master tour

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This unique garden of plants used in Chinese Medicine is located within the University of Bristol Botanic Gardens.
You have an opportunity to be shown round the garden by its founder Tony Harrison, a practitioner of Chinese medicine for over 30 years. He will explain the uses and the background story in China. Advice will be on hand to enable you to set up your own Chinese Herb Garden.

£500 – Lifetime Hub Membership

2 people want this

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Show the ultimate pledge of support and become a lifetime member. All the benefits of Gold membership for your entire life! PLUS;
Invitation to Have your say on Health Hub developments and
Invitation to exclusive events.

£1,500 – Be Well in the Workplace

Tangible health benefits for your staff and corporate social responsibility ticked in one go! . Includes; Hub discount cards for up to 50 staff / A Healthy workplace talk (choose from selection of titles) / A 'Press to Desk' cold -pressed organic juice and super salad delivery for up to 50 staff/'Be well at work' podcasts. Valid for 1 year.

£2,500 – Be Well corporate Package

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The ultimate package for staff health and wellbeing. Tangible health benefits for your staff and corporate social responsibility ticked in one go!
Includes; Hub discount cards/ A Healthy workplace talk (choose from selection of titles)/ Ninja Calm, Mood Food and Mind Power workshops / A 'Press to Desk' delivery/ 'Be well at work' podcasts / Assume approx £50 per staff member (workforce over 50)

£1 – Power of a Pound (or Euro/Dollar/anything!....)

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When we say every Pound counts, we mean it! If you just want to show your support and don't have much money....pledge for this...wherever you are in the world... Can you imagine that if everyone who saw this campaign but didn't pledge would do just do this? may make that much difference...Power of a Pound and a huge Thank you to those that do! ;)

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