The emotional story of a Syrian Refugees’ journey across the world through music, theatre and film.


This project finished on Monday the 23rd of May, 2016

£130 was raised by 4 supporters — that's teamwork!

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An exciting show with music at the heart, complimented by visual arts, film and theatre to immerse the audience in an emotional journey


Why are we fundraising?

When’s the last time you cried, or felt emotional whilst watching a film?  Very often the most tear jerking sections are the ones where there is no text, but the images are complimented by music.  Take that music away, and the sequence is no longer emotionally moving.  This is the power of music.

Music is packed with emotions, however many people feel that they cannot connect with it because the experience is only auditory, and without visuals they cannot understand it as it is abstract. 

At Jam-bourée, we are developing an exciting multi-sensual show, with music at the heart, complimented by visual arts, film and theatre to create a story to immerse the audience in an emotional journey, transporting the audience to another place and time.  We focus on stories which every member of the audience can relate to, and can create an emotional connection to.  Our first show is about the journey from Syria through Europe, looking at the challenges a refugee faces, the relationships they make and lose, and the hostility and generosity they encounter.  

Many people have very strong stances political topics, and there can be much confusion for the general public over political issues: for example with the crisis in Syria, many people do not understand the issues faced by refugees, and although many feel sorry for the people of that country, they are still very strongly set against allowing people in the country.  Looking at these topics through engagement in the arts will help people to rethink their opinions and question their own beliefs.  There is nothing currently like this on offer to audiences, so it is a ground breaking opportunity.

Who are we?

We have a creative team of some of the UKs brightest talents, who have toured around the UK and abroad.  We also have a pool of some of the worlds top musicians, as well as a marketing director, who has previously worked for various arts organisations.  


How you can help

All funds raised will go towards the making of the film, which is created from the music, as well as towards the costs of the set design, costumes for the actors, piano hire, equipment hire and venue hire.



pledged of £10,000 goal (GBP)

2% pledged



This project ended on 23 May 2016

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

This project was created by

Get these rewards

£10 – Social Media Shout Out!

Get this reward

For your £10 you get a special shout out on social media, and the knowledge that you've supported the project.

£15 – Social media shout out, and compliamentory ticket to the show

Get this reward

For your money you get a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, as well as a shout out on social media and the knowledge that you've supported the project!

£25 – T-shirt and Social Media Shout Out

Get this reward

For your money you get an exclusive t-shirt, as well as a shout out on social media and the knowledge that you've supported the project!

£35 – T-shirt & Ticket Combo

Get this reward

For your money you get a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, an exclusive t-shirt, as well as a shout out on social media and the knowledge that you've supported the project!

£50 – Signed stuff

1 person wants this

Get this reward

With this reward, you will not only get a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, but you will also receive a copy of a signed programme, signed copy of the poster, a shout out on social media, and the knowledge that you've supported the project.

£100 – Signed stuff and copy of professional photos from the shows

Get this reward

Not only will you be sent a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, you be given a signed programme and poster, and be sent professional exclusive photos from the shows as a downloadable link, have your name shouted out on social media, and be able to enjoy the knowledge that you've supported the project.

£150 – Backstage passes

Get this reward

Meet the performers backstage with this exclusive backstage pass. You will also be sent a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, have your name shouted out on social media, receive signed copies of the programme and posters, and will be sent professional photos of the production via a downloadable link.

£150 – See how the effects are created for yourself

Get this reward

This is your opportunity to watch the performers at work! Join the visual artist and one of the musicians in one of their rehearsals to see how the effects are created as they experiment with games consoles and other technology to create the magic. You will also receive a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, and enjoy the knowledge that you've supported the project.

£250 – Have an advert of your choice featured in the programme in all 2016/17 productions

Get this reward

This reward pretty much does what it says on the tin! Have your advert seen in front of a wide and diverse audience by having a full page advertisement in the programme, as well as an advertisement on the companies Facebook page for the whole of 2016/7!

£300 – See the show in its final stages

Get this reward

Sit in on the shows final rehearsals on the day of rehearsals to get a glimpse into the behind the scenes action. You will also receive a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running, a shout out on social media, a copy of a signed poster and programme, a backstage pass and a downloadable link to professional photos taken of the production.

£650 – Piano sponsor

Get this reward

Be the sole piano supporter for one of the productions by funding us to hire and tune a piano for the day. You will be credited on social media, on the website and in the programme, and receive all the rewards above.

£1,000 – Patron/Executive Producer credits

Get this reward

Have your name on programmes, film credits, website, social media and everywhere else the film and production's information is posted for the duration of the shows lifetime (which will hopefully be for many years). Let everyone know you were one of the key personnel to making this project happen! You will also receive a complimentary ticket to see the show once it is up and running.

£2,000 – Exclusive show sponsor

Get this reward

For this reward you can bring the show to your home town, and tell everyone you are the nights official sponsor! You will also receive all the rewards listed above, including name on programmes, film credits, website, social media and everywhere else the film and production's information is posted for the duration of the shows lifetime (which will hopefully be for many years).

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