The Imperial Plan by The Fable


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This project finished on Wednesday the 11th of May, 2016

£667 was raised by 23 supporters — that's teamwork!

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Unique concept album about WW1 and inspired by Harry Patch - set for release 1st July, 2016 to mark the centenary of the Battle of the Somme

**IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT** The many people involved in this project seek your help to complete their work and release the album. Once released, most of the profits will be going to charity so please pledge now and ensure its success. EVERY person that pledges will be credited on the album (if they want to).

Background to The Imperial Plan

If you miss the experience of sitting back and getting absorbed in an album of thoughtful songs and power numbers with a story to tell that transports you to another time and place then read on............


Does your heart reach out to the millions that died needlessly as you hear about their suffering through the television and the news? Mine does. Even more so because I was fortunate to have met Harry Patch, The Last Fighting Tommy, the man that became the partner to my Grandmother Betty Isaacs, through the last 10 years or so of her life.


In 2014, after plenty of research, I wrote an album’s worth of songs specifically about the The Great War. The last one, In Memoriam HJP, was inspired directly by my experience of Harry and the views he chose to share with so many. Here are 3 finished tracks I have posted on Soundcloud: The Imperial Plan, The Spark and In Memoriam HJP.

Recently I became Facebook friends with Harry’s grandson, Roger Patch and shared my project with him. I am delighted to say he has given me his support and blessing in order to continue Harry’s message.


In October 2014 I became a Director of the Bristol Music Industry Network (Bmin). To produce my album I began to work with several members of Bmin, in addition to musicians I have worked with over the years. These fantastic and talented people all need to be paid for their time and expertise, as without their support I will not be able to complete my project or do it justice.


  • Recording costs (time in the studio, paying an engineer/producer, mixing/mastering the album).
  • Designing, pressing and printing hard copies of the finished album.
  • Launching the album, PR, single releases etc... 

By PRE-ORDERING the album and supporting our pledge to complete it you will not only help contribute and fund the remaining studio time but you will have access to EXCLUSIVE PLEDGE ONLY items such as signed albums, BUNDLES, an exclusive t-shirt design, the CD booklet (even if you only order the download), and various other memorabilia.

Everyone involved in this project has been working hard to ensure the album is the best quality we can achieve. For such an important historical subject there is no point cutting corners. The support I have received has been amazing and we all really believe in the value it could bring to highlight the subject and get the message across as Harry would have wanted. The Imperial Plan is close to finishing now and with your help we can produce something that every person involved can be proud of.


I am seeking your help to bring The Imperial Plan to life. In return, I promise to complete the CD with a full 8-page booklet containing the song lyrics and full narrative, but you will see there are various goodies for those wishing to up their investment. This is 100% independent, meaning I have no support from a record label, management or booking agency.

Of course there are no guarantees the album will be a big success commercially, but people tell me it could appeal to many so I am working to ensure the quality of the recording, production, packaging and the marketing of the finished product helps it to capture the moment. After all, it is the Centenary, so there will never be a better time for me to release the album.

Out of interest, whenever I explain the narrative people say I should also consider it as a stage show and I have  recently been introduced to a connection with the appropriate experience. The finished album could be just the start. 

So, if the The Imperial Plan is something you would like to invest in, please select from the options listed. Each option relates to a track on the album in the correct order of play (well it is a concept album ;-).

It would be fantastic if you could help spread the word by pledging and sharing this project! 

If you don't want any of the rewards but would like to pledge just click on any pledge and tick the top box and enter the value you wish to donate. Early pledges will help build the momentum. NB. No money will be deducted until after the closing date of 11th May.

Thank you in advance.

Mike Isaacs (The Fable)


pledged of £3,000 goal (GBP)

23% pledged



This project ended on 11 May 2016

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

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Get these rewards

£5 – The Spark

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The first track 'The Spark' covers the shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie - considered to be the key event that set off WW1. Your pledge includes:
* a free download of the digital album, The Imperial Plan
* a copy of the booklet that accompanies the CD version with your name added to the liner notes

£10 – The Alliance Waltz

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The 2nd track is an adaption of Shostakovitch's 2nd Waltz. It uses instruments and sounds to represent key countries that chose to support their various historical Alliances. It is proving a challenge to complete. The person that pledges will get to come into the studio and help us finalise this demanding piece, a mention on the album PLUS a free download of the digital album 'The Imperial Plan'.

£12 – Hearts Full of Pride

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Music by Jason Flinter. As the new conscripts march through their town on the way to the front line we hear them sing proudly of the honour to fight for King and Country. Pledgers will receive:
* a signed copy of the finished CD album 'The Imperial Plan'
* the digital download version
*your name added to the liner notes

£15 – The Devil May Care

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This track introduces our young hero and describes his decision to volunteer, the experience of boot camp and the shock of his first action on the front line. Pledges for this reward will receive a signed copy of the finished album 'The Imperial Plan' and the digital download version, with their name added to the liner notes.

£18 – The Imperial Plan

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The title track from the album, it highlights the sheer scale of the tragedy. Written in the style of Roger Waters, this is one of the power numbers on the album. Pledgers will receive:
* a signed copy of the album The Imperial Plan
* your name added to the liner notes
* the digital download version
* a copy of the magazine 'World War 1 1914-1918 The Centenary Special Edition'.

£20 – Evelyn

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Our young soldier gets compassionate leave to visit his ailing father. He meets and falls in love with a girl but soon has to return to the front. Pledgers will receive:
* the finished CD album
* your name added to the liner notes
* the digital download version PLUS
* a copy of the book Tommy's Ark by Richard Van Emden.

£25 – He Won't Forget About You

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The 7th track is a homage to the music hall era with a big nod to the Bonzos. Pledgers for this Reward will receive:
* a signed copy of the finished album, The Imperial Plan
* the digital download version
* their name in the liner notes PLUS
* a copy of History of The Bonzos 2 x CD Set.

£35 – Passchendaele

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Another power track about the Sept 1917 Battle for Passchendaele in which Harry Patch fought. Pledgers will receive the finished signed album, the digital download version and a copy of the DVD film Passchendaele. They will also get the chance to come into the studio and add their vocals to the finished track as well as help with the editing PLUS their name will be added to the performers list.

£40 – Coming Home

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After 3 yrs the Armistice arrives and our soldier returns home. Troubled by visions and nightmares he receives no support or care and struggles to re-adjust. Pledgers will receive the signed CD with their name added to the notes, the digital download + a pack of WW1 memorabilia, the magazine 'WW1 1914-1918 The Centenary Special Edition' and the book Tommy's Ark by Richard Van Emden.

£45 – In Memoriam HJP

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The 10th track is inspired directly by Harry Patch. This 7min track covers his life and thoughts. Pledgers will receive:
* the magazine 'WW1 1914-1918 The Centenary Special Edition'
* a copy of the book The Last Fighting Tommy by Richard Van Emden
* a signed copy of the finished album The Imperial Plan
* their name added to the liner notes PLUS
* the digital download version

£50 – Send Our Children

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The last track on the album, music and lyrics by Jason Flinter, this track echoes the thoughts for all those that paid the ultimate price of war. Pledgers will receive:
* the signed CD album
* their name added to the liner notes
* the digital download
* a copy of the book Boy Soldiers of the Great War by Richard Van Emden PLUS
* the magazine 'WW1 1914-1918 The Centenary Special Edition'

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