How can we make young people more employable?


This project was successfully funded on Wednesday the 17th of May, 2017

£2,545 was raised by 57 supporters — that's teamwork!

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LIVE Enterprise is a programme empowering young people to enterprise, learn our SWAG tool and develop ideas to solve a social problem locally.

Project Description: LIVE is an acronym for Legacy, Innovate, Venture and Educate.  LIVE is an interactive, personal, social and entrepreneurial workshop.

Young people apply personal development tools to help young people foster positive mental health habits. Young people are then supported in solving a social issue in their local area and are encouraged to think and act like a social entrepreneur to make a change.

Problem: There is a catastrophic rise in knife crime in London. Young people are battling with low self-esteem. There are talented and skilled young people with business ideas that will never come to the surface without the support. Employers are frustrated with the lack of soft skills young people present at interviews. Communities are suffering from the lack of community cohesion.

Solution: We deliver, assemblies, 3-day workshops and 8-week courses on social enterprise. Young people learn about themselves and their community, produce ideas and work as a team to compete in our £10 challenge. Young people have the opportunity to apply up to £5000 to grow their idea. 


How much do we need? 2500 will help us to produce 30 LIVE Enterprise Programmes for schools to add to their library as a resource. The money will help print, produce and deliver the programme to over 500 students in years 7 - 6th Form. 

We coincide with the National Curriculum

By teaching young people a range of important life skills such as; goal setting, budgeting, C.V. writing and interview preparation, looking after their communities, public speaking, time keeping, business and economics. We hope that participants of the programme will be able to face their futures with confidence.

These coincide with the aims and objectives of the UK’s National Curriculum’s PHSE (Personal, Health, Social and Economic) agenda and the module on Citizenship.The Department for Education Section 2.5 National Curriculum Framework for KS3 and 4 states that ‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice (2.5).’

Testimony: "New Ground Creations has helped me as a person to develop in-demand interpersonal skills which include being able to communicate effectively as well as build relationships with those around me. (Anonymous, age 17)

I highly recommend New Ground Creations to organisations as well as individuals who intend on strengthening themselves" (Angel Place Nursery)

Combatting Crime

Crime among the young has also been a big issue within our society and It is clear that young people are restless; there is a steady rise in knife crime in London. In June 2012 there were 1,719 recorded stabbings of people aged under 25 in the capital compared with 1,749 in August 2016 a recent report found. (BBC News)

Most crime is linked to poverty; the majority of young people who get involved in any sort of crime usually come from deprived homes. A lot of them are hungry for success and become jealous of their peers. One way to combat it is by getting them involved in initiatives such as LIVE Enterprise to steer them on the road to success. By teaching them valuable life skills and giving them ownership over something, they can develop their own sense of pride and achievement and won’t need to compare themselves to their peers.

In 2014, a schoolboy was threatened with suspension for selling chocolate and crisps at school. Having grown up on a council estate he said that he wanted to use the money to save for university (The Daily Mirror and Forbes). This is entrepreneurship at its finest and we believe that we shouldn’t penalise young people for having bright ideas but create a platform for them where they are able to develop their talents.

Share your time and skills...

Are you a business? Perhaps you have work experience or apprenticeships available please let us know. Are you able to add opportunities to our LIVE Enterprise Goodie Bag? Get in contact and email

Help this project with time and skills


pledged of £2,500 goal (GBP)

102% pledged



This project ended on 17 May 2017

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

This project was created by

Get these rewards

£5 – LIVE Enterprise Rewards

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£5 Personised thank you video on all social media. Free subscription to a monthly newsletter with hot opportunities for the young budding entrepreneur.

£15 – PDF Business StartUp

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This FREE publication will feature training, grants, events and opportunities for the individual with a business idea or startup.

£25 – Free Business 1:1 consultation

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A free business consultation worth £50

£50 – LIVE Enterprise Goodie Bag

3 people want this

Get all that you need to start your social enterprise to your door or give to a young entrepreneur in need. Get your name mentioned in our monthly newsletter and video on all social media.

£100 – LIVE Awards Evening

You are VIP as our special guest to our LIVE Awards evening. Shake the hands on stage of our winners and be featured in our Press. Get your organisation or name added in our monthly newsletter too.

£300 – LIVE AWARDS Dinner and Celebration Evening

1 person wants this

Come dine as special guests and mentors with our young award winners before we celebrate the young people at the Awards evening. Give a 2-minute message to our young people and be featured in all press.
Be featured on all social media and our website as our highly contributed sponsors!

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