User projects backed

Crowdfunding project

Community Care Package

A free food delivery service for our community for anyone who can't afford fresh fruit and veg.
101% raised
Open ended
101% pledged
Crowdfunding project

91 Ways; help us to continue our work

By using the uniting power of food we have brought together over 10,000 people, speaking 40 different languages, at 125 events.

Funding successful

£12,890 raised

Crowdfunding project

The Humanitea Cafe

A cafe where each hot meal sold will come with a token to hand out to someone who needs a free hot meal.

Funding successful

£3,094 raised

Crowdfunding project

Calais Refugee Solidarity Bristol

CRSB aims to provide humanitarian aid, campaign for greater awareness and to raise funds to address the priority needs of displaced people in Calais.

Funding successful

£16,083 raised