User projects backed

Crowdfunding project

Supporting Bristol's Asylum Seekers

The official fundraiser for supporting refugees following August 3rd attacks
56% raised
Open ended
56% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Community Care Package

A free food delivery service for our community for anyone who can't afford fresh fruit and veg.
101% raised
Open ended
101% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Beira Cyclone Crisis and Sustainability Campaign

Beira, Mozambique was hit by cylones in 2019 and 2021, causing massive destruction to the city. Help Beira repair Matacuane Primary School.

Funding successful

£12,797 raised

Crowdfunding project

Bristol Refugee Rights Advice Service

Our Advice Project is running out of funds. We are trying to raise £29k through individual donations whilst we secure new grants.

Funding successful

£26,985 raised

Crowdfunding project

Safer off the Streets - Help Bristol's homeless night shelters

Help us fundraise for Bristol's 65 emergency bed spaces for homeless people
92% raised
Open ended
92% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Make Bristol Green in 2016!

Help Bristol Green Party at the May 2016 elections by successfully electing Tony Dyer as Mayor of Bristol and doubling our councillor numbers.

Funding successful

£2,700 raised

Crowdfunding project

A Green MP for Bristol West

The Green Party is on the march and we would like you to join us. Get involved and help the Green Party double our numbers in Parliament

Funding successful

£8,395 raised

Crowdfunding project

20th Century Flicks: The Future

Creating the ultimate video shop: a place to rent, buy or talk about films, with a small cinema to watch them in.

Funding successful

£11,896 raised