£25 – High 5
1 person wants this

A personal shout out on social media and on our website.
Support this project and get these fantastic rewards!
1 person wants this
A personal shout out on social media and on our website.
A personal thank you on social media and our website, and a free ticket to one of our events.
Social media and website call out
Free ticket to one of our events with free drink from the bar
Video message saying thank you
1 person wants this
Social media and website call out
2 free tickets to one of our events with 2 free drinks from the bar
Personal video message saying thank you
2 people want this
Social media and website call out
2 free tickets to one of our events with 2 free drinks from the bar
Personal video message saying thank you
A sneak preview - come along to our rehearsals to see what's going on
Social media and website call out
2 free tickets to one of our events with 2 free drinks from the bar
Personal video message saying thank you
A sneak preview - come along to our rehearsals to see what's going on
A poem written by one of our poetic creatives, especially for you
Cake. Everyone loves cake.