A Green MP for Bristol North West


This project finished on Thursday the 2nd of April, 2015

£245 was raised by 11 supporters — that's teamwork!

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Vote Green in Bristol North West for genuine change and real hope in a sustainable future for all.

I went to school in Lawrence Weston and live in the constituency with my wife and two children.

I am a freelance photographer and lecture at Universities throughout the UK. I have previously been: a secondary school teacher (teaching design and technology), worked for Sustrans, managed a safari camp and spent a year working in Leigh Woods. I have been involved with environmental campaigns in Bristol since the formation of Sustrans (Cyclebag) in 1977.

I have been a member of the Green Party for 26 years, coordinating the party throughout the 1990s. I have stood around 25 times in Local, Parliamentary and European elections.

Currently I am involved with several educational issues and have a wide interest in many topics from transport and international affairs to food politics and employment.

Bristol North West is an amazingly diverse constituency and has been the employment hub of our city. It deserves a long term future for all.

Thank you for your support
Justin Quinnell

Every Green Party candidate for parliament needs to pay a deposit of £500 - no deposit means no candidate, which means no Green vote. For the Green Party, with no large corporate backers, this presents a considerable financial challenge as we aim to give everyone in the country the opportunity to vote Green in 2015.

In addition, all candidates have the opportunity to produce one leaflet which will be delivered to every household in the constituency via FreePost. In many cases this will be the only opportunity a Green Party candidate will have to contact every household in their constituency.  Although this FreePost leaflet is available at a much reduced cost of £600, this is still a sizable sum for a party such as ours.

This makes a total of £1,100 which is needed in advance to give everyone in Bristol North West the opportunity of voting Green AND a chance for us to tell them why they should do so.

The deposit is returned if at least 5% of those who vote, vote Green. That is just one in every twenty.With the huge surge in membership nationally and especially within Bristol North West I may well reach this target or even win! Voting Green though is not just about winning - it sends it a strong message to Government that business as usual is simply unacceptable.

If this target is exceeded I will arrange a “Meet the Candidate” event to which all those who contribute to this crowd fund will be invited.


pledged of £1,100 goal (GBP)

23% pledged



This project ended on 2 April 2015

This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.

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Get these rewards

£5 – Thank You!

3 people want this

A great big thank you! Come and find us on the campaign trail to meet Justin.

£10 – Thank You!

2 people want this

A great big thank you! Come and find us on the campaign trail to meet Justin.

£20 – Thank You!

2 people want this

A great big thank you! Come and find us on the campaign trail to meet Justin.

£50 – Thank You!

A great big thank you! Come and find us on the campaign trail to meet Justin.

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