£5 – Thank you from The Spark
3 people want this

A personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for valued support
This project finished on Friday the 17th of April, 2015
£760 was raised by 27 supporters — that's teamwork!
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Help us launch a new young people’s jazz club with 5 unique performances at The Cookie preceded by a two week music education project with 3 Leicester schools. We have the opportunity to make a difference to 90 young lives through developing their music making skills. This could be the start of a life-long passion with a lasting impact.
Our project is led by an extra-ordinary musician and educator – Arun Ghosh and his sextet. Arun regularly performs internationally including at the London Jazz Cafe and last year was awarded the 2014 Parliamentary Jazz Instrumentalist award. You can be involved in the final two performances on Saturday 23 May which are for family audiences of all ages with the opportunity to hear great music in the intimate setting of a professional jazz club.
Young people from 3 Leicester primary schools will perform in the jazz club to other children from their schools. Two of the three schools has a majority of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and all 3 schools with close to two thirds eligible for pupil premium funding. Approximately one third of these pupils will not reach the recommended levels in English and maths by the end of primary school. We know through current research that making music is of direct benefit to children’s learning and can help close the gap with their peers from more affluent backgrounds. Performing to an audience will develop their confidence, helping to instil new dreams and aspirations.
We aim to touch the lives of children and families who would not usually experience professional live contemporary music especially of such quality and relevance to children living in Leicester.
We have already raised 89% of our funding budget and just need an additional £2,000 to make this project happen. Can you help us?
pledged of £2,000 goal (GBP)
This project ended on 17 April 2015
This is a take what you raise project. At the end of the funding period the project owner receives all of the pledged funds.
3 people want this
A personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for valued support
1 person wants this
A personalised letter signed by Arun thanking you for your for valued support. Plus a personalised message on Facebook thanking you.
2 people want this
A Spark festival poster signed by Arun. Plus a personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for valued support.
Two reserved seats as close to the front as possible on Saturday 23 May at 3pm. Plus a personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for your valued support.
1 person wants this
Two reserved seats as close to the front as possible on Saturday 23 May at 7pm. Plus a personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for valued support.
A personal introduction to Arun and the band. Plus two reserved seats as close to the front as possible on Saturday 23 May at 3pm. A personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for valued support.
A personal introduction to Arun and the band. Plus two reserved seats as close to the front as possible on Saturday 23 May at 7pm. A personalised message on Facebook thanking you for your for valued support.
1 person wants this
Your own personal 30 minute master class with award winning Arun Ghosh in the comfort of a private room at the Belmont Hotel.. This will be at a time to be agreed between you and Arun early evening 20-22 May.
Delicious two course supper for yourself and a friend with Arun and another band member between 20-22 May. It will be at the Chutney Ivy Indian Restaurant on Rutland Street. Fine food and conversation, just your drinks to pay for - what's not to like?
This is the big one! Your own private performance for your friends/family/colleagues in the stylish intimate setting of Bowie's Bar at the Belmont Hotel. You can invite between 1-50 people to share the experience.