User projects backed

Crowdfunding project

Community Care Package

A free food delivery service for our community for anyone who can't afford fresh fruit and veg.
101% raised
Open ended
101% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Stokes Croft Food Project

The Stokes Croft Food Project tackles hunger and food poverty in Stokes Croft by providing nutritious food to those most in need in our community

Funding successful

£5,835 raised

Crowdfunding project

Aid Box Community - Corona Virus appeal

We need funds to buy non-perishable food and essential living items for distribution to self-isolating destitute refugees and asylum seekers

Funding successful

£7,036 raised

Crowdfunding project

Bristol's First Cat Cafe

A cat cafe is just like a normal cafe, with one difference – it's full of cats!

Funding successful

£20,786 raised