User projects backed

Crowdfunding project

91 Ways; help us to continue our work

By using the uniting power of food we have brought together over 10,000 people, speaking 40 different languages, at 125 events.

Funding successful

£12,890 raised

Crowdfunding project

91 Ways; help us to continue our work

By using the uniting power of food we have brought together over 10,000 people, speaking 40 different languages, at 125 events.

Funding successful

£12,890 raised

Crowdfunding project

91 Ways; help us to continue our work

By using the uniting power of food we have brought together over 10,000 people, speaking 40 different languages, at 125 events.

Funding successful

£12,890 raised

Crowdfunding project


10th Anniversary of Europe's largest & FREE Street Art & Graffiti festival featuring 400 artists from 70 countries painting live across south Bristol

Funding successful

£21,707 raised

Crowdfunding project


10th Anniversary of Europe's largest & FREE Street Art & Graffiti festival featuring 400 artists from 70 countries painting live across south Bristol

Funding successful

£21,707 raised

Crowdfunding project

Help us fund and launch 91 Ways International pop up Peace Cafes!

Bristol's International Peace Cafés - Uniting Our City Through Food. Help us grow across Bristol and then the UK!

Funding successful

£22,279 raised

Crowdfunding project

Safer off the Streets - Help Bristol's homeless night shelters

Help us fundraise for Bristol's 65 emergency bed spaces for homeless people
92% raised
Open ended
92% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Upfest 2016 - Europe's largest street art & graffiti festival

Be part of Upfest 2016! It's Europe's largest live Street Art & Graffiti festival, just a few quid from every person will make all the difference!

Funding successful

£16,257 raised