User projects backed

Crowdfunding project

Supporting Bristol's Asylum Seekers

The official fundraiser for supporting refugees following August 3rd attacks
56% raised
Open ended
56% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Community Care Package

A free food delivery service for our community for anyone who can't afford fresh fruit and veg.
101% raised
Open ended
101% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Community Care Package

A free food delivery service for our community for anyone who can't afford fresh fruit and veg.
101% raised
Open ended
101% pledged
Crowdfunding project

Fairfield High School essential technology fundraiser

Let's bridge the gap! Help provide tech to those without in the Fairfield School community. All our children deserve a fair chance to shine!

Funding successful

£7,045 raised

Crowdfunding project


10th Anniversary of Europe's largest & FREE Street Art & Graffiti festival featuring 400 artists from 70 countries painting live across south Bristol

Funding successful

£21,707 raised

Crowdfunding project

Better Food's Streets to Kitchen Campaign

A Better Food project to help those affected by homelessness in Bristol find new routes to recovery, in support of Square Food's work with St. Mungo's

Funding successful

£11,015 raised

Crowdfunding project

Safer off the Streets - Help Bristol's homeless night shelters

Help us fundraise for Bristol's 65 emergency bed spaces for homeless people
92% raised
Open ended
92% pledged
Crowdfunding project

#SaveHamiltonHouse: Saving the House One T-Shirt at a Time!

Weʼre raising £3000 to encourage, collate & broadcast the creative actions in support of Hamilton House & the protection of its communities.

Funding successful

£4,614 raised

Crowdfunding project

Bon Jardin Dog Rescue, Thailand

Help 8.5 million street dogs in Thailand

Funding successful

£12,925 raised

Crowdfunding project

Upfest 2017 - Street Art & Graffiti Festival

Be part of Europe's largest & free Street Art & Graffiti festival, a few pounds from everyone will make all the difference!

Funding successful

£20,962 raised

Crowdfunding project

Stories and Songs for Syrians

Humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees: online appeal for the Hands Up Foundation, with a fundraising weekend of music and stories for children

Funding successful

£3,315 raised

Crowdfunding project

Safer off the Streets - Help Bristol's homeless night shelters

Help us fundraise for Bristol's 65 emergency bed spaces for homeless people
92% raised
Open ended
92% pledged